The prestigious Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA) ceremony, a well-known event in Asia’s sustainability sector, took place on June 28 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Hosted by the NGO Enterprise Asia, the award honored Chugai Pharma Taiwan in the categories of Green Leadership and Social Empowerment. This year, 320 companies and a total of 394 projects participated in the award, and 123 projects won the award. The winning rate is about 31 percent, highlighting Chugai Pharma’s outstanding performance in sustainable development in recent years, which has gained significant international recognition.
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Chugai Pharma Taiwan Receives 2024 Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards for Third Consecutive Year
For the third consecutive year, Chugai Pharma Taiwan, a top-tier innovative pharmaceutical company, has been honored with the AREA, and this year, in the categories of Green Leadership and Social Empowerment. These repeated recognitions highlight the company’s exceptional performance in social responsibility. The company is committed to environmental sustainability, social welfare, and sustainable development. Every year, they organize the innovative public welfare event “Enterprise Family Day,” encouraging employees and their families to participate and experience the joy of giving back to society. The company also proactively launches various green initiatives spanning short, medium, and long-term goals.
In 2024, Chugai Pharma Taiwan expanded its outreach to the Rukai tribe in Pingtung, starting a partnership in March to join the Russet Sparrow Millet Restoration Project. Millet, a significant crop in Rukai culture, faces decline as farmlands shift to high-value crops due to market pressures and an aging farming population. This shift threatens six to eight millet varieties, russet sparrows, and other species. The russet sparrow, an endangered species listed in the IUCN Red List, has been particularly affected by deteriorating farmland quality, with fewer than a thousand of them estimated to remain in Taiwan. Also, the relocation of villages after August 8 Flood further exacerbated the cultural imbalance, worsening the ecosystem. As such, Chugai Pharma Taiwan is helping farmers adopt organic farming practices to produce millet without food safety concerns and turn it into Shio Koji sauce gift sets for employees and corporate partners, aiming to inspire wider participation. This effort aids aboriginal people's livelihoods while safeguarding food safety, soil health, and the russet sparrow's habitat.
Moreover, Chugai Pharma Taiwan brings love to every corner. This year, in conjunction of Rare Disease Day, they hosted an entertaining fair at the Taipei Children’s Amusement Park. The event welcomed employees, their families, and children from Harmony Home. Children with rare diseases and Down syndrome were also invited to perform dramas and music, kicking off the event, with the goals of boosting their confidence and raising public awareness about rare diseases. Through various fun challenges, both adults and children learned about the SDGs, increasing ESG awareness. The company also invited the energetic hosts to lead dancing sessions, encouraging everyone to adopt regular exercise habits for a healthier, disease-free lifestyle.
For three consecutive years, Chugai Pharma Taiwan has been awarded the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards, highlighting its outstanding corporate social responsibility, and motivating other businesses to participate in sustainability efforts. The company adheres to the patient-centric principle, focusing on unmet medical needs by offering innovative products, solutions, and services to improve health and well-being of mankind. The company is dedicated to corporate social responsibility, actively engaging in public welfare and environmental sustainability initiatives, and making positive contributions to society.